Our Approach
“I have one major rule: everybody is right. More specifically, everybody including me-has some important pieces of the truth, and all of those pieces need to be honoured, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace.”
– Ken Wilber
With the tremendous intellectual development and enhancement of awareness that is taking shape amongst human beings, the call for a new model of thought which is integral in nature has become inevitable than ever before. A model which is all embracive, integrative, comprehensive, and complete is what is being looked up to. In meeting this challenge, we at LeadX adhere to integral approach in all that we innovate, design and deliver.
The weaving together of all the available pieces of knowledge from the past and present from across the fields, covering the entire gamut of subjects: Management, Science, Technology, Politics, Economy, History, Spirituality, Culture, Art, Ecology and Ethics inclusive of both the vertical and horizontals dimensions forms the integral approach.
Our Training solutions and products for human-potential development are also the reflections of our creative ability and sincere effort to guide the Human Resources to progressive evolution by the united power of Science, Philosophy and Art on the basis of whole-person paradigm.