LeadX Solutions

At LeadX Solutions, we believe corporate training is a strong force for good. Our methods of corporate training creates a high-performance culture, helps build sought after organizations that attract talent and teaches better skills for enhanced performance.

We work to build great leaders in organizations and draw out the best qualities in people. We offer world-class training, Coaching and mentoring to achieve superior levels of people-skills, motivation and productivity towards making a good company great.

Our Solutions

Culture Assessment Solutions

The behaviour of the business leader is, ultimately, the behaviour of the organization. As such, it’s the foundation …

Leadership Solutions

The need for leadership development has never been more urgent. Companies of all sorts realize that to survive in today’s volatile, …

Coaching Solutions

Coaching is about enabling individuals to make conscious decisions & empowering them to become leaders in their own lives …

Mentoring Solutions

Mentor is defined as someone who guides another to greater success. A mentor acts as a consultant, counsellor and cheerleader to get …