Dhiren Paramale
Chief Executive Officer
Dhiren is an integral thinker with a great flair for research and development in the areas of human well-being. Being a motivational speaker, writer and an OD consultant, he has received many accolades and credentials to his name. He is highly appreciated and recognized for his ability to synthesize the diverse subjects of Science, Spirituality, Management, Psychology, and the various New-Age Philosophies. Being a sought-after speaker and trainer on the topics such as Leadership, Science and Spirituality, Health and Healing, Lifestyle-Management and the Wisdom Traditions, has delivered talks in India and abroad. He is a passionate proponent of the concepts of the greats like Sri Aurobindo and Ken Wilber. Inspired by the thoughts of the great Indian Yogi-Swami Vivekananda in a young age, Dhiren has made a thorough study of the various Wisdom traditions and their scientific parallels. Though not a medical researcher, he has also made a serious study of the various healing systems. He is a Gallup Trained Leadership Coach. Formerly a Corporate Trainer and a Business partner with FranklinCovey South-Asia; Dhiren has presently dedicated himself completely to making his dream endeavour, ‘Leadership Excellence Solutions Pvt Ltd’ a global phenomenon with unique solutions for creating human well-being at all levels. He is a graduate of Science with a Master’s degree in Human Resources.